Marco Craveiro's journal club session on "Handling Variability in Model Transformations and Generators" by Völter et al.
Tag: Software development
- Tagged as : Software development
Measuring Effectiveness and Affectiveness in Software Systems
Marco Ortu who is visiting for the week, will be giving the presentation 'Measuring Effectiveness and Affectiveness in Software Systems'.
Model driven engineering: an emerging technical space
Marco Craveiro's journal club session where he presents the paper, "Model Driven Engineering: An Emerging Technical Space (Bézivin, 2006)".
Impact of code smells in test code
Jean Petrić's journal club session on software testing.
Tagged as : Software developmentThe Jinx on the NASA software defect data sets
Jean Petrić is scheduled to present two papers at the 20th International Conference on Evaluation and Assessment in Software Engineering, Limerick, Ireland. In this session, he presents this work to the group.
The software bugs fairy tale
Jean Petrić's journal club session where he speaks about his work on software defect prediction.
Why you must use Git and how you use it
Ankur Sinha's journal club session on Git.
Convolutional Neural Networks Homoeostasis Neuromorphic hardware Studentship Neuronal Morphology machine learning olfaction Open position Dendritic computation computational neuroscience Neurons optimization Persistent homology PCA Structural plasticity Evolutionary algorithms computational modelling synaptic plasticity Computer Science Deep learning Associative memory Software development Network connectivity Artificial intelligence Purkinje cell cerebellum COVID-19 neuroscience robotics neural networks
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