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a DOT sinha2 AT herts DOT ac DOT uk
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).vsharmila AT ucla DOT edu
).The pre-workshop questionnaire is now live at
The questionnaire collects information on career paths, roles and responsibilities, methods and tools that researchers use to get their work done. The questionnaire should not take more than 15 minutes. Please consider taking the questionnaire to share your experiences with the academic community.
From the list of CNS*2019 attendees that volunteer to be on the panel for the workshop, the organisers will choose 6--8 diverse profiles to be able to cover the broadest range of topics.
Please provide feedback on the workshop using this questionnaire:
The workshop is a half-day workshop. More information on workshops at CNS*2019 can be found here.
The Computational Neuroscience community is a diverse, international, and interdisciplinary community allowing for various successful career paths, each with their own requirements. Students and postdocs in the community are similarly presented with a diverse range of challenges, and excellent mentorship from current leaders in the CNS community is an invaluable resource for the development of future leaders in re- search or industry.
This workshop will provide CNS students and postdocs the opportunity to learn about successful career paths and strategies from a panel of established computational neuroscientists. Participants will hear from a range of professionals, from junior faculty having recently transitioned from postdoc status, researchers working outside of their home countries, to senior faculty who are involved in reviewing journals, grants, and making academic hirings. The panellists will discuss their current roles, their duties, their career paths, and the skills necessary to navigate them. The workshop will focus on providing suggestions, advice, tips, tricks, dos and don'ts on developing these skills with the goal of preparing the attendees for their professional journeys. Postdocs and students are encouraged to ask questions to the speakers and participate in the discussion of topics of universal interest or specific concerns. To further foster communication in the group and address more specific questions, attendees will be invited to go out for lunch together with the organisers and panellists after the workshop. The organisers are in the process of preparing a dossier of information that will be disseminated to the research community after the workshop. This will include information gathered from a questionnaire sent to attendees (and the academic community in general) before the workshop, along with salient points filtered from the discussion and Q&A sessions that will be held at the workshop.