Core Faculty and Research Staff
Rod Adams (Emeritus Professor)
Research Interests: hierarchical clusterers, genetic algorithms, developmental neural networks, evolutionary neural networks, biological models
Na Helian
Research Interests: machine learning, cloud computing
Shabnam Kadir
Research Interests: computational neuroscience, auditory neuroscience, bioinformatics, topological data analysis
Yar Muhammad
Research Interests: Brain Computer Interface (BCI) for health domain, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning
Michael Schmuker
Research Interests: Neuromorphic Computing, Olfaction (in animals and machines), Chemical Fragrance Space, Smart Agriculture
Volker Steuber
Research Interests: biocomputation, computational neuroscience, systems biology, machine learning
Yi Sun
Research Interests: probabilistic modelling of data, unsupervised learning, model selection
Olga Tveretina
Research Interests: verification of hybrid systems, propositional proof complexity, dynamical systems
Mohammad Yaqoob
Research Interests: computational neuroscience, machine learning, and temporal pattern recognition
Nada Yousif
Research Interests: computational neuroscience, movement disorders, neurostimulation
Research Fellows
Reinoud Maex
Research Interests: cerebellar computation, modelling drug addiction
Maria Psarrou
Research Interests: Network modelling of neuronal circuits, neuronal computations and their determinants, data analytics
Pinaki Saha
Research Interests: Olfaction, Machine learning, Cheminformatics
Sam Sutton
Research Interests: machine learning, image processing, olfaction
Tariq Hilmi
Research Interests: Computational Neuroscience, Olfaction, Gas Plumes
Caroline McMillan
Research Interests: Soft robotics, neurotechnology, AI, biocomputing, digital media and multisensory design.
Visiting Professors
Jim Bower
Research Interests: computations in the cerebellum and olfactory system, simulator development, educational technology
Visiting Research Fellows
Paolo Dini
Research Interests: algebraic biology (BIOMICS)
Simon O'Connor
Research Interests: information processing in the olfactory system
Maria Schilstra
Research Interests: biocomputation, systems biology, genetic regulatory networks
PhD Students
Mahsa Aliakbarzadeh
Research Interests: cerebellar computation, robotics and medical applications
Chama Bensmail
Research Interests: computational neuroscience, simulated agents, evolutionary systems
Marco Craveiro
Research Interests: computational modelling, computational neuroscience
Emil Dmitruk
Research Interests: computational homology, neural coding, and sensory systems
David Haydock
Research Interests: Computational Neuroscience, Cognitive Neuroscience, EEG and fMRI analysis
Ohki Katakura
Research Interests: computational neuroscience, cerebellar computation, motor learning
Simon McCool
Research Interests: machine learning, autonomous vehicles
Rebecca Miko
Research Interests: computational neuroscience, robotics and olfaction
Rupa Patel
Research Interests: Big Data Analytics and Artificial Intelligence (AI)
Paul Moggridge
Research Interests: artificial intelligence and cloud computing
Shamim Ibne Shahid
Research Interests: Computer Vision, Deep Learning, Affective Computing, Psychology
Harpreet Singh
Research Interests: machine learning, sentiment analysis
Sam Sutton
Research Interests: machine learning, image processing, olfaction
Muhammad Umer
Research Interests: machine learning, text analysis
Affiliated Faculty
Lola Cañamero
Research Interests: motivation and emotion modelling for autonomous and social agents, neural controllers
William Clocksin
Research Interests: machine learning, optical character recognition, autonomous vehicles
Ray Frank
Research Interests: neural computation, cognitive science, evolutionary neural networks, developmental neural networks
James Geach
Research Interests: evolution of galaxies, with a special emphasis on obscured activity, the role of environment, and the properties and evolution of cold gas in and around galaxies
Manal Helal
Research Interests: Network Models, Complex Systems, Tensor Multi-way Analysis
Peter Lane
Research Interests: neural computation, natural language processing, cognitive science, image processing
Daniel Polani
Research Interests: artificial intelligence, artificial life, information theory for intelligent information processing, sensor evolution, collective and multi-agent systems
Chris Stopford
Research Interests: light scattering and radiative processes
Previous Group Members
Irina Abnizova
Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute
Research Interests: Biostatistics
Parimala Alva
Research Interests: neuronal mechanisms of epileptic activity
Parivash Ashrafi
Research Interests: machine learning and skin permeability of drugs
Ronak Bhavsar
Research Interests: machine learning and EEG analysis
Weam Binjumah
Research Interests: machine learning and optical data transmission
Hamid Boulouri
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, Seattle, USA
Research Interests: biocomputation, computational systems biology
David Bowes
Lancaster University, UK
Research Interests: machine learning, software defect prediction
Weiliang Chen
Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology, Japan
Research Interests: connectivity of the mammalian cortex, associative memory
Neil Davey
Open University, UK
Research Interests: computational neuroscience, machine learning, artificial intelligence
Giseli de Sousa
Connectionism and Cognitive Science Lab, Federal University of Santa Catarina, Brazil
Research Interests: neuronal morphology
Laurence Dixon
Emeritus Professor
Research Interests: optimisation, radial basis function networks, evolutionary neural networks, generalisation
Damien Drix
Research Interests: neuroscience, dendritic computation, neuromorphic hardware
Kevin A. J. Doherty
British Aerospace, UK
Research Interests: competitive neural networks, hierarchical clustering, design patterns
Burak Erdeniz
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA
Research Interests: cognitive Neuroscience, FMRI
David Gray
Visiting Lecturer, University of Hertfordshire
Research Interests: machine learning, software defect prediction
Sarah Keating
Senior software developer at European Bioinformatics Institute, Hinxton, UK
Research Interests: computational systems biology
Kirsty Kidd
Research Interests: evolutionary changes of neuronal morphologies
Ritesh Kumar
Research Interests: olfaction, machine learning
Cosme Llerena
Research Interests: signal processing, data analysis, sound applications, machine learning
Johannes Luthman
Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, Sweden
Research Interests: computational biology
Zaheed Mahmood
Research Interests: machine learning and software defect prediction
Wolfgang Marwan
Max-Planck-Institut fuer Dynamik komplexer technischer Systeme, Madgeburg, Germany`_
Research Interests: molecular network analysis
Nicolas Oros
University of California Irvine, USA
Research Interests: evolving Spiking Neural Controllers for Simulated Robots
Zhengjun Pan
Software Contractor at Anite; Director at TurboLab Ltd
Wanida Pensuwon
Khon Kaen University, Thailand
Research Interests: cluster analysis, hierarchical classification, competitive learning neural networks, stochastic learning
Jean Petrić
Research Interests: machine learning and software defect prediction
Thiago Matos Pinto
University of Sao Paulo, Brazil
Research Interests: computational models of intracellular signalling cascades
Shavika Rastogi
Research Interests: computational neuroscience, neuromorphic cognition, brain inspired neuromorphic computing
Faisal Rezwan
Computational Modelling Group, University of Southampton
Research Interests: biocomputation, genetic regulatory networks
Fiona Richardson
Wellcome Trust Centre for Neuroimaging, UCL, London, UK
Research Interests: cognitive neuroscience, perception and action
Mark Robinson
Benaroya Institute, Seattle, USA
Research Interests: biocomputation
Alistair Rust
European Bioinformatics Institute, Cambridge, UK
Research Interests: evolutionary neural networks, biological development, artificial evolution, vision, computational neuroscience
Karen Safaryan
University of California Los Angeles, USA
Research Interests: cerebellar network modelling, Spike train analysis
Tamie Salter
Que Innovations Lab, Canada
Research Interests: Assistive Robotics
Aruna Shenoy
Adaptive Systems Group, University of Hertfordshire
Research Interests: The computational analysis of facial expression
Ankur Sinha
Research Interests: cortical reorganisation and memory performance after lesions
Anuradha Sulane
Research Interests: machine learning, neural networks and audio recognition
Ken Tabb
Health and Human Sciences, University of Hertfordshire
Research Interests: vision, snakes
Rene te Boekhorst
Research Interests: bioinformatics, embodied artificial intelligence, biology, dynamical systems, primate social dynamics
Angela Thurnham
Tilda Goldberg Centre for Social Work and Social Care, UK
Research Interests: Schizophrenia and Connectionist Models
Hünkar Can Tunç
Research Interests: computational neuroscience, balanced asynchronous irregular networks
Katja Wegner
University of Karlsruhe, Germany
Research Interests: biocomputation
Chrystopher Nehaniv
University of Waterloo, Canada
Research Interests: algebraic biology, constructive biology, evolution, mathematical methods for systems biology, genetic regulatory networks, cognitive and computational neuroscience
Wajih ul Islam
Research Interests: machine learning and image processing
Minghua Zheng
Research Interests: Cloud computing, computer vision and deep learning
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