Alex May and Anna Dumitriu's journal club session on their latest collaborative robotics artwork projects “ArchaeaBot” and “BioCompuation Bots”.
Tag: olfaction
Decoding gas source proximity from turbulent plumes
Michael Schmuker's journal club session on "Decoding gas source proximity from turbulent plumes".
Olfactory coding in the turbulent realm
Rebecca Miko's journal club session on 'Olfactory coding in the turbulent realm' by Jacob et al.
How the Olfactory Bulb processes naturalistic time-varying inputs
Rebecca will be presenting the work she conducted for her masters thesis titled 'How the Olfactory Bulb processes naturalistic time-varying inputs'.
Role of intraglomerular circuits in shaping temporally structured responses to naturalistic inhalation-driven sensory input to the olfactory bulb
Christoph Metzner's journal club session on the role of intraglomerular circuits in shaping temporally structured responses to naturalistic inhalation-driven sensory input to the olfactory bulb.
Open Position: PhD studentships in Computational Neuroscience
Applications are invited for PhD studentships at the Biocomputation Research Group. Details within.
What does the nose know and how does it know it
James Bower joins us for a special journal club session where he discusses olfactory processing.
Tagged as : OlfactionOpen Position: PhD studentship in Olfactory Biocomputation
A funded PhD position at the Biocomputation group is available. The shortlisting process begins 30 May, 2016. Details within.
Exploring neural computation in odour space
Michael Schmuker joins us for a special journal club session where he speaks about his research work related to olfactory processing. Abstract within.
This session has been moved to 11th of March.
Software development Artificial intelligence Purkinje cell Computer Science Neuronal Morphology Network connectivity Neurons computational modelling Dendritic computation olfaction optimization Structural plasticity Open position Associative memory computational neuroscience Neuromorphic hardware Persistent homology Studentship COVID-19 robotics cerebellum synaptic plasticity Deep learning neural networks PCA neuroscience Homoeostasis Evolutionary algorithms machine learning Convolutional Neural Networks