How the Olfactory Bulb processes naturalistic time-varying inputs

Rebecca will be presenting the work she conducted for her master's thesis titled 'How the Olfactory Bulb processes naturalistic time-varying inputs'.

Abstract is below:

The olfactory bulb in mammals is responsible for receiving, processing and relaying olfactory information (odours). This project investigates how naturalistic temporally fluctuating odour signals are processed and which neurons or neural mechanisms are able to extract information from these signals. Multiple computation models were created to represent different OB circuits between periglomerular cells and mitral cells using NEURON (Hines and Carnevale, 2006, 2001). The results show that the strength and frequency of these odour signals can be determined by looking at a combination of the latency and the firing rates of the output from the mitral cells.

Date: 20/10/2017
Time: 16:00
Location: LB252

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