Jim Bower's Journal Club session where he will talk about the paper "Metabolic activity organizes olfactory representations".
Tag: olfaction
Functional Neurology of a Brain System: A 3D Olfactory Bulb Model to Process Natural Odorants
Maria Psarrou's Journal Club session where he will talk about a paper "Functional Neurology of a Brain System: A 3D Olfactory Bulb Model to Process Natural Odorants"
Will Graph Neural Networks Revolutionise Computational Olfaction?
Michael Schmuker's Journal Club session where he will talk about a paper "Will Graph Neural Networks Revolutionise Computational Olfaction?"
Using Head-Mounted Ethanol Sensors to Monitor Olfactory Information and Determine Behavioral Changes Associated with Ethanol-Plume Contact during Mouse Odor-Guided Navigation
Michael Schmuker's Journal Club session where he will talk about a paper "Using Head-Mounted Ethanol Sensors to Monitor Olfactory Information and Determine Behavioral Changes Associated with Ethanol-Plume Contact during Mouse Odor-Guided Navigation"
Manipulating Synthetic Optogenetic Odors Reveals the Coding Logic of Olfactory Perception
Maria Psarrou's Journal Club session where he will talk about a paper "Manipulating Synthetic Optogenetic Odors Reveals the Coding Logic of Olfactory Perception"
Tagged as : OlfactionComplementary Codes for Odor Identity and Intensity in Olfactory Cortex
Shavika Rastogi's Journal Club session where he will talk about a paper "Complementary Codes for Odor Identity and Intensity in Olfactory Cortex"
Fast Odour Dynamics Are Encoded in the Olfactory System and Guide Behaviour
Maria Psarrou's Journal Club session where she will talk about a paper "Fast Odour Dynamics Are Encoded in the Olfactory System and Guide Behaviour"
Navigation Along Windborne Plumes of Pheromone and Resource-Linked Odors
Samuel Sutton's journal club session where he will talk about the paper "Navigation Along Windborne Plumes of Pheromone and Resource-Linked Odors".
Tagged as : OlfactionExtraordinary performance of semiconducting metal oxide gas sensors using dielectric excitation
Ritesh Kumar's journal club session where he will talk about impedance spectroscopy and its use in the design of electronic tongue and nose systems in general and specifically refer to the paper by Radislav A. Potyrailo et al. along with some of his previous works.
Hyperbolic geometry of the olfactory space
Emil Dmitruk's journal club session where he will talk about the paper "Hyperbolic geometry of the olfactory space".
Software development Artificial intelligence Purkinje cell Computer Science Neuronal Morphology Network connectivity Neurons computational modelling Dendritic computation olfaction optimization Structural plasticity Open position Associative memory computational neuroscience Neuromorphic hardware Persistent homology Studentship COVID-19 robotics cerebellum synaptic plasticity Deep learning neural networks PCA neuroscience Homoeostasis Evolutionary algorithms machine learning Convolutional Neural Networks