Emil Dmitruk's Journal Club session where he will talk about "Topological Data Analysis Reveals Brain Connectivity Differences between Schizophrenia Subjects and Healthy Controls".
Author: Emil Dmitruk
Edge-Centric Functional Network Representations of Human Cerebral Cortex Reveal Overlapping System-Level Architecture
Emil Dmitruk's Journal Club session where he will talk about a paper "Edge-Centric Functional Network Representations of Human Cerebral Cortex Reveal Overlapping System-Level Architecture"
Uncovering the Topology of Time-Varying fMRI Data Using Cubical Persistence
Emil Dmitruk's Journal Club session where he will talk about a paper "Uncovering the Topology of Time-Varying fMRI Data Using Cubical Persistence"
Brain Network Dynamics during Working Memory Are Modulated by Dopamine and Diminished in Schizophrenia
Emil Dmitruk's Journal Club session where he will talk about a paper "Brain Network Dynamics during Working Memory Are Modulated by Dopamine and Diminished in Schizophrenia"
Organization of Cell Assemblies in the Hippocampus
Emil Dmitruk's Journal Club session where he will talk about a paper "Organization of Cell Assemblies in the Hippocampus"
Cliques and cavities in human connectome
Emil Dmitruk's Journal Club session where he will talk about a paper "Cliques and cavities in human connectome".
Prediction of Electrode Position inside rat brain using NeuromorphicHardware
Shavika Rastogi's Journal Club session where she will talk about her master thesis entitled "Prediction of Electrode Position inside rat brain using Neuromorphic Hardware".
Navigation Along Windborne Plumes of Pheromone and Resource-Linked Odors
Samuel Sutton's journal club session where he will talk about the paper "Navigation Along Windborne Plumes of Pheromone and Resource-Linked Odors".
Tagged as : OlfactionSpiking Neural Networks Evolved to Perform Multiplicative Operations
Amir Khan's journal club session where he will talk about the paper "Spiking Neural Networks Evolved to Perform Multiplicative Operations".
Towards a new approach to reveal dynamical organization of the brain using topological data analysis
Emil Dmitruk's journal club session where he will talk about the paper "Towards a new approach to reveal dynamical organization of the brain using topological data analysis".
computational neuroscience Persistent homology computational modelling neural networks machine learning Homoeostasis COVID-19 Structural plasticity olfaction optimization Artificial intelligence Software development robotics Studentship Neuronal Morphology Computer Science Evolutionary algorithms neuroscience Neurons Convolutional Neural Networks PCA synaptic plasticity Associative memory Network connectivity Purkinje cell Dendritic computation Open position Deep learning Neuromorphic hardware cerebellum