Damien Drix's journal club session, where he will present an overview of learning in Caphalopod brains, while referencing various papers.
Category: Seminars
The power of deep networks and learning
Shabnam Kadir's journal club session, where she will present the papers "The power of deeper networks for expressing natural functions (David Rolnick and Max Tegmark, 2018)" and "Why does deep and cheap learning work so well? (Henry W. Lin, Max Tegmark and David Rolnick, 2017)".
Microcircuits and their interactions in epilepsy: is the focus out of focus?
Julia Goncharenko's journal club session, where she will present the paper "Microcircuits and their interactions in epilepsy, is the focus out of focus? (Jeanne Paz and John Huguenard, 2015)".
Finding K-Means Clustering
Deepak Panday's journal club session, where he will present the papers "Recovering the number of clusters in data sets with noise features using feature rescaling factors (Renato Cordeiro de Amorima and Christian Hennig, 2015)" and "Intelligent Choice of the Number of Clusters in K-Means Clustering An Experimental Study with Different Cluster Spreads (Mark Ming-Tso Chiang and Boris Mirkin, 2010)".
Tagged as : Machine LearningNeuroFedora: a ready to use Free/Open source platform for neuroscientists
Ankur Sinha's journal club session on the NeuroFedora initiative.
On the Nernst-Planck equation
Reinoud Maex's journal club session on his review: "On the Nernst-Planck equation (Reinoud Maex, 2017)"
Tagged as : Computational NeuroscienceComputational Model of the Cerebellum and the Basal Ganglia for Interval Timing Learning
Ohki Katakura's journal club session on his master's work "Computational Model of the Cerebellum and the Basal Ganglia for Interval Timing Learning (Ohki Katakura; Tadashi Yamazaki, 2016)"
Biocomputation Robots and ArchaeaBot Project
Alex May and Anna Dumitriu's journal club session on their latest collaborative robotics artwork projects “ArchaeaBot” and “BioCompuation Bots”.
Maximum Satisfiability: Anatomy of the Fitness Landscape for a Hard Combinatorial Optimization Problem
Mohammad Tayarani-Najaran's journal club session on his article "Maximum Satisfiability Anatomy of the Fitness Landscape for a Hard Combinatorial Optimization Problem (Adam Prugel-Bennett; Mohammad Tayarani-Najaran, 2011)".
Tagged as : Machine LearningAsynchronism-based principal component analysis for time series data mining
Yi Sun's journal club session, where she will present the paper "Asynchronism-based principal component analysis for time series data mining (Hailin Li, 2014)".
Tagged as : PCA
neural networks Associative memory Studentship cerebellum Artificial intelligence olfaction Dendritic computation Purkinje cell Neuronal Morphology Evolutionary algorithms Neuromorphic hardware Persistent homology Open position COVID-19 Network connectivity robotics Deep learning Convolutional Neural Networks Neurons computational neuroscience neuroscience computational modelling Homoeostasis Software development machine learning PCA Computer Science optimization Structural plasticity synaptic plasticity