Rank order decoding of temporal input patterns

Volker Steuber's journal club session, where he will briefly discuss different forms of neural coding.

In this talk, Volker will briefly discuss different forms of neural coding. Volker will focus on temporal coding and summarise John Hopfield's (1995) suggestion how neurons with subthreshold oscillations in their membrane potential could perform scale-invariant temporal encoding of input patterns (and which conditions have to be met for the encoding to be scale invariant). However, temporal coding is sensitive to noise, and Volker will describe the rank order decoding scheme that was suggested by Simon Thorpe (1998) in order to provide robustness against noise. Furthermore, Volker will outline how Purkinje cells in cerebellar cortex could implement a form of rank-order decoding of temporal parallel fibre input patterns.

Volker will reference the following papers:

"Pattern recognition computation using action potential timing for stimulus representation (J. J. Hopefield, 1995)"

"Speed of processing in the human visual system (S. Thorpe, D. Fize and C. Marlot, 1996)"

"Face processing using one spike per neurone (R. Van Rullen et al., 1998)"

"Rank order decoding of temporal parallel fibre input patterns in a complex Purkinje cell model (V. Steuber and E. De Schutter, 2002)"

Date: 22/02/2019
Time: 16:00
Location: D118

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