Ankur Sinha's discusses the paper, 'Associative properties of structural plasticity based on firing rate homeostasis in a balanced recurrent network of spiking neurons (Gallinaro and Stefan (arxiv pre-print: 2017)'.
Tag: computational neuroscience
The Correlation between EEG Signals as Measured in Different Positions on Scalp Varying with Distance
Ronak's journal club session on The Correlation between EEG Signals as Measured in Different Positions on Scalp Varying with Distance.
Opportunities and challenges in the Human Brain Project
Michael Schmuker's journal club session on Opportunities and challenges in the Human Brain Project.
Time as it could be measured in artificial living systems
Andrei Robus' journal club session on Time as it could be measured in artificial living systems.
Role of intraglomerular circuits in shaping temporally structured responses to naturalistic inhalation-driven sensory input to the olfactory bulb
Christoph Metzner's journal club session on the role of intraglomerular circuits in shaping temporally structured responses to naturalistic inhalation-driven sensory input to the olfactory bulb.
Model driven engineering: an emerging technical space
Marco Craveiro's journal club session where he presents the paper, "Model Driven Engineering: An Emerging Technical Space (Bézivin, 2006)".
Open Position: Lecturer/Senior Lecturer in Computer Science (Machine Learning/Biocomputation)
Applications are invited for a Lecturer or Senior Lecturer in the School of Computer Science, University of Hertfordshire. Applications should be made through (reference 014050) until the 18th of June 2017. More details within. This position has been filled.
An introduction to NEURON
Maria Psarrou's journal club session where she introduces the NEURON simulator.
Loss of sensory input causes rapid structural changes of inhibitory neurons in adult mouse visual cortex
Ankur Sinha's journal club session where he discusses the paper, "Loss of sensory input causes rapid structural changes of inhibitory neurons in adult mouse visual cortex (Keck et al. (2011))".
Multi-contact synapses for stable networks: a spike-timing dependent model of dendritic spine plasticity and turnover
Ankur Sinha's journal club session where he discusses the pre-print paper, "Multi-contact synapses for stable networks: a spike-timing dependent model of dendritic spine plasticity and turnover (Deger, M., Seeholzer, A., Gerstner, W. (2016))"
Homoeostasis Structural plasticity olfaction optimization Dendritic computation Software development machine learning computational modelling Evolutionary algorithms neuroscience Open position Network connectivity Studentship Associative memory Artificial intelligence computational neuroscience COVID-19 neural networks Neuromorphic hardware Convolutional Neural Networks Purkinje cell Neuronal Morphology PCA robotics synaptic plasticity Neurons Computer Science Deep learning Persistent homology cerebellum