Shabnam Kadir's journal club session, where she will present the papers "The power of deeper networks for expressing natural functions (David Rolnick and Max Tegmark, 2018)" and "Why does deep and cheap learning work so well? (Henry W. Lin, Max Tegmark and David Rolnick, 2017)".
Tag: machine learning
Finding K-Means Clustering
Deepak Panday's journal club session, where he will present the papers "Recovering the number of clusters in data sets with noise features using feature rescaling factors (Renato Cordeiro de Amorima and Christian Hennig, 2015)" and "Intelligent Choice of the Number of Clusters in K-Means Clustering An Experimental Study with Different Cluster Spreads (Mark Ming-Tso Chiang and Boris Mirkin, 2010)".
Tagged as : Machine LearningMaximum Satisfiability: Anatomy of the Fitness Landscape for a Hard Combinatorial Optimization Problem
Mohammad Tayarani-Najaran's journal club session on his article "Maximum Satisfiability Anatomy of the Fitness Landscape for a Hard Combinatorial Optimization Problem (Adam Prugel-Bennett; Mohammad Tayarani-Najaran, 2011)".
Tagged as : Machine LearningReverse Nearest Neighbor Queries: emergence and implementation issues
Deepak Panday's journal club session on "Reverse Nearest Neighbor Queries: emergence and implementation issues".
Tagged as : machine learningArchaeaBot: A Post Singularity, Post Climate Change Lifeform
Anna Dumitriu and Alex May's journal club session on "ArchaeaBot: A Post Singularity, Post Climate Change Lifeform".
Open Position: PhD Studentship in Computational Frameworks for high-dimensional neural data
Applications are invited for a PhD studentship on Computational frameworks for high-dimensional neural data with Dr. Shabnam Kadir in the Biocomputation Research Group. The shortlisting process will begin on 8 January 2018. More details within.
Feature Selection Modelling for Percutaneous Absorption across Synthetic Membranes
Yi will be discussing feature selection modelling for percutaneous absorption across Synthetic membranes
Tagged as : machine learningThe Science of Variable Stars and Transient Sources
Philip will be presenting a talk on 'The Science of Variable Stars and Transient Sources'.
Open Position: 5-year research fellow position in Neuromorphic Machine Learning
Applications are invited for a 5-year research position in the Biocomputation group at the University of Hertfordshire, under the supervision of Dr. Michael Schmuker. The closing date for applications is 21st August, 2017. More details within.
Open Position: Lecturer/Senior Lecturer in Computer Science (Machine Learning/Biocomputation)
Applications are invited for a Lecturer or Senior Lecturer in the School of Computer Science, University of Hertfordshire. Applications should be made through (reference 014050) until the 18th of June 2017. More details within. This position has been filled.
computational neuroscience Persistent homology computational modelling neural networks machine learning Homoeostasis COVID-19 Structural plasticity olfaction optimization Artificial intelligence Software development robotics Studentship Neuronal Morphology Computer Science Evolutionary algorithms neuroscience Neurons Convolutional Neural Networks PCA synaptic plasticity Associative memory Network connectivity Purkinje cell Dendritic computation Open position Deep learning Neuromorphic hardware cerebellum