Latest news post - Detecting Anxiety via Machine Learning Algorithms: A Literature Review.

The Biocomputation Research Group forms part of the Centre for Computer Science and Informatics Research (CCSIR) at the University of Hertfordshire. Research in the Biocomputation Research Group involves the development of computational models to study biological systems, and the application of biologically-inspired machine learning algorithms for the analysis of real-world data. Members of the Biocomputation Group analyse and simulate computational models at different levels of complexity, and collaborate closely with leading experimentalists in the UK and abroad.

DNA sequence from under the content license. BoB Purkinje cell

Research in the Biocomputation Group concentrates on the following areas:

Software developed by the group is made available at our Github repository.


Prof. Volker Steuber
Head of the Biocomputation Research Group
School of Computer Science
Centre for Computer Science and Informatics Research
University of Hertfordshire
College Lane, Hatfield, Herts AL10 9AB
Tel +44 (0)1707 284350
Fax +44 (0)1707 284303
v.steuber AT
